

Chinese Grammar Query System
November 29, 2021

This system is the result of ACLR's research project Construction and Application of Quality Learning Resources in International Chinese Language Education. The project manager is Jiang Liping, chief expert of ACLR and Professor of BLCU.

The Chinese Grammar Query System mainly retrieves grammar names, grammar explanations and grammar example sentences from the database. It supports simple and advanced search, and can filter and display book information, grammar information, research literature for textbook grammar, etc.

Data source of the System: Grammars in 117 volumes of Chinese language textbooks and syllabus were selected to facilitate retrieval of more than 9,000 grammar items, over 17,000 explanations, more than 47,000 example sentences, and related book publications and textbooks grammar research and other information.

(The system is upgrading now and not open to the outside.)
