

Speech Correction Program
July 4, 2019

This resource is the result of ACLR's research project Multi-modal Chinese Interlanguage Speech Corpus for Intelligent Phonetics Teaching. The project manager is Zhang Jinsong, Professor of BLCU, and chief expert of ACLR.

The project has developed an intelligent Chinese phonetics teaching app based on the mobile internet platform—SAIT Chinese, and provided phonetics training content of 7 textbooks including Erya Chinese, Great Wall Chinese, Development Chinese, etc. Based on the pronunciation error detection and evaluation technology developed by the project team, the app can report the errors of initials, finals, and tones in real time, and provide correction feedback and guidance in the forms of color, text, sound, and animation.

Download for Apple mobile phones: search "SAIT汉语" in the App Store to download.

Download for Android mobile phone: clickhttps://fir.im/tyzd, or scan the QR code below:

Notes: If you encounter problems during downloading, you can add WeChat id: SAITLAB for help.

For more details, please click:

