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Visit to the Beijing Botanic Garden

Press Time:2021-04-19 Viewed:

On April 17th, the Department of International Student Affairs of BLCU led international students from all over the world to the Shuangqing Villa in Xiangshan Park and Beijing Botanical Garden, to feel the season of flowers blooming like brocade and trees meeting the spring, and to feel the historical development of modern China.

Shuangqing Villa

After entering the park, we headed straight to theShuangqing Villa, where is the former residence of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other leaders, at the southern foot of the mountain. After having firsthand experience and hearing the lively stories in Shuangqing Villa, international students had a better understanding of the first-generation leaders and the development history of New China.

Botanical Garden

Soon afterwards, we headed for the Botanical Garden to have a view of the flowers of all sorts. Stepping into the Botanical Garden, international students were drawn into the spring. They stopped to enjoy the blooming flowers, recording the spring with pictures. Then we walked into the warm house, to feel the charm within the unique tropical plants.

The Caoxueqin Memorial Hall

We visited the Caoxueqin Memorial Hall to put an end to today’s trip. When visiting, we got a deeper understanding of those stories happened during the process in which he wrote the Story of stone, as well as his life. We also gained a further knowledge of the studies of this book.

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