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Bingfu Lu

【 Time:2019-05-27 】

Bingfu Lu is currently professor of linguistics at the Department of Linguistics at BLCU. He received his master's degree in Chinese linguistics from Fudan University, his master’s degree in psycholinguistics from Connecticut University and his doctorate in East Asian languages from the University of Southern California. Now he is mainly working on linguistic typology and has already published several books and many articles related to this topic. He is also working as editor-in-Chief ofOriental Linguistics, and the Research Fellow of E-Research Institute of Comparative Linguistics, Shanghai University.

The important translations of Lu are as follows:

Miller, G. 1956a. Human memory and the storage of information. I.R.E. Transaction on Information Theory, Vol.IT-2, No.3.

Miller, G. 1956b. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review No.63.

Greenberg, J.H.1966.Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements.Universal of Language.ed.J.H.Greenberg (second edition), 73-113.Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
