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Dr. Lu Lingxi's Project, was approved for the Youth Project of the Fund

time:2021-10-27 views:

In October 2021, the list of projects approved by the Beijing Social Science Foundation was officially announced. Dr. Lu Lingxi, a researcher from CCSL, was approved for the Youth Project of the Fund. The name of the project is "Neural mechanism underlying the construction of lingusitic hierarchical structures in Chinese as Second Language learners.".

This project found that in the process of speech understanding, native speakers have the ability to construct language hierarchical structures (such as words, words and sentences), and can quickly and accurately perform language processing. This process depends on the central nervous system of the brain to the language hierarchical structure The internal neurological representation. From the perspective of language acquisition, this project introduces a multi-level neural tracking paradigm in the study of Chinese as a second language acquisition, and uses the interdisciplinary integration of linguistics, cognitive science and neuroscience to construct language for Chinese learners. Research on the neural mechanism of the hierarchical structure. The project will explore in depth the measurement method of using EEG neural indicators to reflect the second language processing ability of Chinese learners, so as to serve the education system practice of Chinese as a second language.

Dr. Lingxi Lu received her Ph.D. in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences from Peking University in 2018, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University McGovern Institute of Brain Science and Peking University Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Center from 2018 to 2020. She has been working at CCSL as an assistant researcher as well as research supervisor since 2020. Currently, she is mainly engaged in the study of neural mechanisms of speech comprehension and perception.
